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Hear what we have to say

Dec 10, 2018
Larissa’s Journey: Off The Streets
Larissa’s Journey is a blog series that we hope will offer insight and understanding into the lives of one of the young people in the...

Sep 20, 2018
Thank You Value Village!
OIM receiving donations from Value Village, Kanata, on Hazeldean Rd. Did you know that for the past few years OIM has been the grateful...

Sep 17, 2018
Community BBQ
Our Administrative Assistant, Gaby, is normally busy working at the office. But recently, she had the opportunity to visit our drop-in...

Apr 25, 2018
Catching A Glimpse
Several months later I am sitting in a coffee shop and who comes over out of the blue, but my new street friend. He tells me how his life...

Apr 8, 2018
God of the Ordinary
It was the end of the day at our drop-in and I was getting ready to clean up the Foot Care Station. I had been there for four hours,...

Mar 1, 2018
An Unexpected Encounter
I want to share a short, but quite wonderful, blessing I received from my street-engaged friend named ‘Bob.’ When you are on the streets,...

Sep 21, 2017
A Place of Third Chances
That’s because this was his third time around. Having taken the next steps to go through an alcohol treatment program and transition into...

Aug 31, 2017
A Humbling Experience
John’s colourful dress reflected his mood and his outlook. I had once told him he reminded me of a peacock because he always had feathers...

Aug 17, 2017
THE ‘BOB’ SERIES: A Mighty Man Hidden
Back to “Bob.” Bob is a wonderful guy. He’s articulate, engaging in conversation. He presents that air of an intellectual, but not stuffy...

May 7, 2015
Small Things With Great Love
Mother Theresa is quoted as having once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” This is...
Apr 30, 2015
The Tale of Two Piano Movers
HI – My name is Dr. Greg Payne. I help folks at the Ottawa Innercity Ministries Drop-In center. This story I am about to tell gives you a...
Sep 11, 2014
Something About a Name
Every Tuesday, each week, we have our drop-in. I am sure by now many of you know what that is but let me explain for those who don’t....
Aug 28, 2014
“I’m so glad you’re open today”
We had to close our drop-in for a few weeks this summer due to a scheduling conflict with the church we use. I missed seeing our regular...
Jan 13, 2014
Volunteers Welcome!
Thinking about volunteering? Just that in and of itself might be enough to change the course of your life! Volunteers are truly the...
Nov 4, 2013
A Table to Share
“Give thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” –Ephesians 5:20 Thanksgiving Dinners are a...
Oct 28, 2013
A Big Thank-You for a Wonderful Evening
Everyone here at Ottawa Innercity Ministries, staff, volunteers and street-friends, would like to thank our supporters for coming out to...
Oct 17, 2013
The ol’ Watering Hole: A Survey
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17) Ever wonder why some watering holes have more traffic...
Sep 30, 2013
Stories from the Street: Caged
Greg arrived at the Tuesday Drop-In looking tired and angry. He had a rough look to go with a tough demeanor. I hadn’t seen him before,...

Sep 23, 2013
Taking things for granted???
She walked into the drop in with her head held high, her long strawberry blonde hair (it had seen better days) swirled around her head...
May 23, 2013
Earthman Mytsery Solved
Earthman Mystery Solved It’s been a long day with my alarm clock going off this morning at 5:45am. It’s Tuesday and I’m on my way...
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