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Hear what we have to say

Jan 13, 2020
He Fought Like a Soldier
On Jan 15, OIM launches a NEW Innercity Veterans Outreach & Support Service (DETAILS BELOW). Over the coming weeks and months, we will be...

Oct 30, 2019
The 52-Hertz Whale
Have you ever met someone who is just amazing at remembering names? That person who you met once 3 years ago, who remembers your name as...
Sep 22, 2017
She is Not Unknown
You see her every day on your way to work. Usually she is sitting at Tim Horton’s or resting on a bench. She is hard to miss – a small...

Jun 2, 2017
Loss, Hope and Joy
“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,” Psalm 30: 11...

Feb 10, 2017
Imagine A World With More HOPE
This is George Frederic Watts 1886 painting, “Hope.” Hope is sitting on a globe, blindfolded, clutching a wooden lyre with only one...
Jan 2, 2017
Thank you from Danielle
Hi my name is Danielle. I just want to say thanks for letting me tell my story here on family radio CHRI. Telling my story and having...

Oct 31, 2016
Dear Artist:
You and I don’t know each other – but I felt a connection with you.

Feb 19, 2016
Knowing You’re Loved
A few weeks ago, I was looking through an old box of memories from my childhood when I found this: It was a valentine I received when I...

Dec 14, 2015
Eric’s Journey, Episode 4: The Accident
“Eric’s Journey” is a 7 part series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the...
Jul 31, 2015
Turning Youth Away…..
In July 2014, the Passion 4 Youth Fine Arts Program had reached full capacity. We had 20 youth in a tiny room – with no space for any...
Jul 10, 2015
Last year, this video was put out by a shelter in New York City. You’ve probably seen it. In...
Aug 28, 2014
“I’m so glad you’re open today”
We had to close our drop-in for a few weeks this summer due to a scheduling conflict with the church we use. I missed seeing our regular...

Jul 2, 2014
The Light – P4Y Poetry
There is a new youth who has been coming to art group recently. I met him on outreach a few years ago and I discovered that from a young...

May 7, 2014
The Problem with Focusing on Problems
Meet Nicky: homeless, alcoholic, mentally ill. Nicky joined the art group last year. She told me that most of her childhood had been...
Oct 21, 2013
How We Manage
“I figured out where all the Food Banks are, so I go there first. Then I can figure out what I need and go get it at the Dollar Store....
Aug 12, 2013
A System Built for Some
The Ottawa Police have had a heavy presence this summer. I see them patrolling the streets, walking down Bank or Elgin in pairs, or...
Jul 29, 2013
A Treatise on the Term “Pro-Life”
Many individuals in the church like to say that they are “Pro-Life”, which is an interesting phrase to use. The term “Pro-Life”, to me,...
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