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Hear what we have to say

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 1
For the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey click play below: Kurk had served several tours of duty in the armed forces,...
Nov 27, 2017
Searching for Affordable Housing
You would think that in a city like Ottawa, when a vulnerable citizen faces a crisis and loses their housing, there would be a system in...
Nov 2, 2017

Making a Difference In The Midst of Adversity – Is It Possible?
I see it each Sunday night in the stylish clothes some people wear or the cars others don’t have. It’s visible in their health or...
Oct 26, 2017
The Bob Series: Marginalized survivors
Note: To protect the identity of the people I write about, I have chosen to use the name ‘Bob’ in the following piece… All of the people...
Oct 13, 2017

One evening, while on street outreach…
Later that evening, my young street outreach partner and I met 52 street friends. They represented all facets of this diverse culture;...
Sep 7, 2017

A Humbling Experience
John’s colourful dress reflected his mood and his outlook. I had once told him he reminded me of a peacock because he always had feathers...
Aug 31, 2017

It’s the small things in life that matter
But it is the mundane, the everyday events, that can have the biggest impact. My role at the drop-in is that of a greeter. Some say it is...
Aug 24, 2017

Just a couple of Canadians (eh?), talking on the bus.
It happened as I got on the bus & looked around for an empty spot. “There she is!” I heard someone say. It was Ted. He was sitting alone....
Aug 10, 2017

THE ‘BOB’ SERIES: For Those Who Matter
Back to “Bob”: this is a man who has seen every province in our great country. This is a man who has been through many traumas, who will...
Jul 20, 2017

Loss, Hope and Joy
“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,” Psalm 30: 11...
Jun 2, 2017

“At Risk”
The term “at risk youth” is thrown around a lot, often without much thought or care. It’s a label that can feel very cold and...
May 8, 2017
What if it was you?
Valentines Day Week – just passed. Kudos to all of our volunteer outreach workers in all capacities: street outreach, drop in, office...
Feb 17, 2017
Episode 8: Danielle’s Christmas Wish
Hi I’m Danielle. My wish is that everyone has someone to be with this Christmas, and if not, that they feel God is with them, that His...
Dec 24, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 4 – Back to Ottawa (again)
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Dec 6, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 3 – A repose in the midst of trouble
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Dec 5, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 2 – The Beginnings of Abuse
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Nov 30, 2016
Danielle’s Story: Episode 1 – Early Life
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Nov 28, 2016

He fought like a soldier
Every Tuesday for the last several years, you could always count on Marcel to greet you at the drop-in. Walking in first thing in the...
Nov 11, 2016
Reaching a Milestone
Innercity Arts reached a significant milestone this week: we registered our 100th youth. This is a pretty amazing feat, given the...
Sep 2, 2016

A few months ago, a new person walked through the doors of the drop-in. He was friendly but seemed very cautious. He asked a lot of...
Aug 19, 2016
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