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Hear what we have to say

When the Streets are Safer than Affordable Housing
You may be surprised to learn that I have heard this been said many times. Today, it was said by Sarah – a young person in our art...
Sep 7, 2018

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: The Saga Continues…
To hear the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey – The Saga Continues…, click the play button below: Week 12, and the only word...
Dec 18, 2017

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 8
To hear the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey – Week 8, click on the play button below: The letter with updated information...
Dec 13, 2017

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 6
To hear the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey – Week 6, click the play button below: When we spoke with Monica at Catherine...
Dec 11, 2017

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 5
To hear the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey, click the play button below: We drove downtown and found the location of the...
Dec 6, 2017

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 4
To hear the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey – Week 4, click the play button below: Monica, from Catherine McKenna’s...
Dec 4, 2017

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 2
To hear the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey – Week 2, click play below: Taking Kurk aside, I asked him about the money...
Nov 29, 2017

A Homeless Vet’s Journey: Week 1
For the audio introduction to A Homeless Vet’s Journey click play below: Kurk had served several tours of duty in the armed forces,...
Nov 27, 2017

“At Risk”
The term “at risk youth” is thrown around a lot, often without much thought or care. It’s a label that can feel very cold and...
May 8, 2017
Danielle’s Story: Episode 2 – The Beginnings of Abuse
“Danielle’s Story” is a series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play...
Nov 30, 2016

A few months ago, a new person walked through the doors of the drop-in. He was friendly but seemed very cautious. He asked a lot of...
Aug 19, 2016

Giving Their Time
A few weeks ago a handful of our youth participated in a fundraiser for Attawapiskat. Attawapiskat is a small northern Ontario community...
Jun 22, 2016

The state of metal health services for homeless youth
Here, let the National Learning Community on Youth Homelessness say it best: “Youth homelessness has existed in Canada for decades;...
Feb 5, 2016

Shane’s Story, Episode 5: My Own Place
Shane’s Story is a eight episode blog post where Shane tells her story in her own words. Each week in December, on Mondays and Thursdays...
Dec 15, 2014

Remembering Homeless Veterans
People hurry by the large monument every day, most never pausing to look or even acknowledge it. One lonely man, white haired, in torn...
Nov 11, 2014

Sam’s Story
Sam is a street artist who I met several years ago. He created the beautiful work of art above. I asked him to do a wood burning...
Aug 4, 2014

Caution: P4Y Poetry
The Passion 4 Youth Fine Arts Program was fortunate enough to have Bruce Narbaitz come in and do a slam poetry workshop with the youth....
Jul 17, 2014

When I approach an Aboriginal person while on outreach, I suddenly become very aware of the cross embroidered on my outreach vest. The...
Jun 19, 2014

Choosing Compassion
Last week however, one of the youth was in a crisis situation so I made the decision to call 911. Two officers arrived and assessed the...
Jun 6, 2014

No compassion or care for the mentally ill at the Ottawa Hospital
I have known Skye for 3 years. She was one of the first street-engaged youth I met while doing outreach. I remember our first meeting...
May 23, 2014
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