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Hear what we have to say
Apr 26, 2012
It’s not about the food…
OIM hosted our annual Easter Dinner this week. Over 40 volunteers served 150 dinners to our street community. As I stood back and...
Apr 16, 2012
It’s not really about the jacket
One of the most amazing privileges of working with people is the opportunities we have to build relationships. Over the past years there...
Apr 13, 2012
Who’s really asleep here?
As I write this, you should know that I am really, really angry! I am angry as I witnessed and was even an unwilling participant of...
Apr 12, 2012
The Mundane Is Extraordinary..
“Do you have room for one more?” It was the end of the day at our drop-in and I was getting ready to clean up the foot care station. I...
Apr 3, 2012
God knows what we need..
I can’t help but feel a profound sense of sadness and tragedy some nights during outreach. But, once in a while you stumble upon an...
Mar 23, 2012
The bright shining key
Well, it wasn’t exactly bright and shining. It was more like a dull and well-worn silver key, but the glow that came off the face of our...
Mar 21, 2012
Love and Respect
Some of the most down to earth and insightful exchanges I have are during outreach with OIM. Week after week I stop with my fellow OIM...
Mar 16, 2012
Where everybody knows your name
Community: We all crave it. From adults to children, men and women, CEOs to stay-at-home moms, we all want to belong or at least find a...
Mar 14, 2012
“Heroin Saved My Life”
“Heroin saved my life.” Not something I ever thought I would hear, let alone, believe. One of the youth in the art group said this to me...
Mar 7, 2012
Joy was all over her face..
She wheeled the stroller into drop-in. It was a bitterly cold day and the bundle inside the stroller was barely recognizable…But WE knew...
Mar 2, 2012
Who gives more?
“Excuse me m’am…do you have any bus tickets? I have to get to an appointment this afternoon.” I was speaking with a couple of our...
Feb 10, 2012
Thoughts from Jeff…a member of our Wednesday outreach team
If you look at me, and squint really hard, I look like God. Whoa! Don’t be hasty! Unless you ask my little sister, I’m not that cocky....
Jan 27, 2012
What did your morning look like?
Going to work this morning, I came down the same hill at the same time and saw the same bus going up the other side. I got on my usual...
Jan 5, 2012
Street youth work: What’s that? Really?
Very different indeed. A bit hard to process for some, so let’s paint a picture of the reality of kids on the street. Many issues...
Mar 10, 2011
What? Weather?
March winds blow, or it pours rain, minus 30 with the wind chill – or any combination thereof. Only in Canada, eh? We can look forward...
Dec 23, 2010
Add a Homeless Person to Your Christmas List – II
Merry Christmas! Just a quick note today, on the eve of Christmas eve, to invite you to do a last minute gift purchase – for someone...
Nov 15, 2010
Passion for Youth ART SHOW
Thirteen street youth will be presenting their art work for show and silent auction on Monday, November 15, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at...
Sep 23, 2010
Live and Silent Auction – the details
Generally speaking the needs on the street are increasing and for many charities across Canada, there are dwindling resources as people...
Sep 16, 2010
Years of Building
It sometimes takes years to build enough trust for some of our street friends to talk to us about their lives. Red is thirty-six and we...
Sep 2, 2010
LIfe on the Streets 3: Panhandling
We see people panhandling for loose change all the time in our cities. It’s commonplace. We have come to adopt certain attitudes...
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