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Hear what we have to say

Shane’s Story, Episode 7: Back to School
Shane’s Story is an eight episode blog post where Shane tells her story in her own words. Each week in December, on Mondays and...
Dec 22, 2014

Shane’s Story, Episode 4: Outreach Team and P4Y
Shane’s Story is a eight episode blog post where Shane tells her story in her own words. Each week in December, on Mondays and Thursdays...
Dec 11, 2014

Remembering Homeless Veterans
People hurry by the large monument every day, most never pausing to look or even acknowledge it. One lonely man, white haired, in torn...
Nov 11, 2014

The Light – P4Y Poetry
There is a new youth who has been coming to art group recently. I met him on outreach a few years ago and I discovered that from a young...
Jul 2, 2014

When I approach an Aboriginal person while on outreach, I suddenly become very aware of the cross embroidered on my outreach vest. The...
Jun 19, 2014

Outgrowing and Overcoming
Many street-engaged youth struggle with addictions. Below is a work of art by a P4Y artist. This artist has struggled with addiction for...
Mar 7, 2014
Behind the Story…
I noticed ‘Cal’ on several occasions at the drop in, but I never took opportunity to have a conversation with him until this week. He was...
Feb 10, 2014
“Tessa’s Home” Episode 8: Merry Christmas and Thank you
Tessa’s Home is an 8 part series running until December 27th. To listen to the audio backgrounder from CHRI, click below. Miss previous...
Dec 23, 2013
OIM goes to the Oscars!
Ok…OIM didn’t actually GO to the Oscars…but the film that won ‘Best Documentary Short’ is the story of Inocente Izucar, a street-artist...
Feb 25, 2013
Taking time to remember
Yesterday, we held our annual memorial service at drop-in to remember those in our street community who passed away in 2012. Often times...
Jan 16, 2013
Sasha’s Story: Episode Six, Outreach
Sasha’s Story is an 8 part series running until December 24. To listen to the audio backgrounder from CHRI radio, click Episode #6...
Dec 17, 2012
Sasha’s Story: Episode Five, The Birth of Hope
Sasha’s Story is an 8 part series running until December 24. To listen to the audio backgrounder from CHRI radio, click Episode #5...
Dec 12, 2012
Sasha’s Story: Episode Two, Hard Beginnings
We lived in a rough neighbourhood called the ‘Courts’ in Saint John. That’s where the refugees are. We played baseball with sticks and...
Dec 3, 2012
Sasha’s Story: Episode One, First Meeting
I was working the streets in Ottawa, prostituting. I had dates all night, from early evening until late, late – and no place to sleep. ...
Nov 26, 2012
So last week the Wednesday night group got SOAKED (during that big rainstorm) on our evening walk-around. I mean drenched. I’ve seriously...
May 23, 2012
Who’s really asleep here?
As I write this, you should know that I am really, really angry! I am angry as I witnessed and was even an unwilling participant of...
Apr 13, 2012
Where everybody knows your name
Community: We all crave it. From adults to children, men and women, CEOs to stay-at-home moms, we all want to belong or at least find a...
Mar 16, 2012
Who gives more?
“Excuse me m’am…do you have any bus tickets? I have to get to an appointment this afternoon.” I was speaking with a couple of our...
Mar 2, 2012
Thoughts from Jeff…a member of our Wednesday outreach team
If you look at me, and squint really hard, I look like God. Whoa! Don’t be hasty! Unless you ask my little sister, I’m not that cocky....
Feb 10, 2012
Street youth work: What’s that? Really?
Very different indeed. A bit hard to process for some, so let’s paint a picture of the reality of kids on the street. Many issues...
Jan 5, 2012
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