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Hear what we have to say
Modern Day Good Samaritian
Some have asked me to print a story that Brent Daley, one of my buddies at our drop in, has written. Here it is, with only moderate...
Jul 29, 2010
Word from the Drop In
Speaking with Brent at the drop in last week, I discoverd he had an aptitude and interest in writing. I asked him to write about our...
Jul 15, 2010
One of our Kids – at the art show
The first time I met Kaylin she was on street outreach two years ago. I noticed her sitting on the sidewalk on Bank Street with a torn up...
Jun 24, 2010
Street Youth Art Show
Our street youth art program, ‘Passion for Youth’ is making an impact on young people’s lives. Last year we had nine street-engaged...
Jun 10, 2010
Tom is back!
Tom is back, and is doing well. He came to see me last Friday and has been ‘in and out’ of the office all week. He has hit the ground...
May 6, 2010
Tom Called
Tom Called (see previous blogs re. Injustice) While I was away in Vancouver I received the following email from our front line...
Apr 29, 2010
Two Different Worlds
Two Different Worlds In Vancouver for the Roundtable on Poverty and Homelessness meetings this past week, I took opportunity to cross the...
Apr 23, 2010
Injustice IV – Stonewalled
A heavy heart is mine as I write what will probably be the last blog about Tom until he is released. There are several reasons for this,...
Apr 15, 2010
Injustice upon injustice III
I am sorry to report that Tom is still in detention – the ‘proper’ name for jail, although there is nothing ‘proper’ about it at all. ...
Apr 9, 2010
Injustice upon injustice II
A miserable week – especially if you are incarcerated. Here’s an update about my buddy ‘Tom’. ‘Tom’ is not his real name, but there may...
Apr 2, 2010
Injustice upon injustice – it’s called Life on the Streets
Some things set me right over the edge, mostly it’s a different story with a similar theme: injustice (see Justice III, Feb 26/10). Here...
Mar 25, 2010
Violation of Sacred Trust
“Of all people, you should know better.” His words pierced my soul. These words and this day will be burned in my mind forever. Seven...
Mar 18, 2010
Justice II
Justice. I stepped back for a moment at our drop in and marveled at the 200+ guests that were visiting that day. In the midst of all...
Feb 18, 2010
Justice I
Biblical Justice as it is demonstrated towards the poor. What’s that look like? First the Old Testament: Historically we see the...
Feb 11, 2010
Random Act of Kindness Multiplies Itself BIG time!
The Backgrounder: OIM sponsors the 8:00 am and 5:00 pm news on a local radio station, CHRI 99.1 fm. For one of our 60 second spots, I...
Jan 28, 2010
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