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A Passion To Serve

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Why do you volunteer at OIM?

It’s a question that I have been asking our volunteers lately. The answers that have come back have had one thing in common: a big passion for serving.

Working with OIM volunteers has been a privilege for me. It’s encouraging to meet people that find the time to share a part of their busy lives with our guests with the only objective being to give love and support to the most needed here in downtown Ottawa.

Let me tell you about a few of our wonderful volunteers:

Beth comes every Wednesday all the way from the outskirts of Ottawa to the downtown core, where she has been volunteering at the Office “Stop In” for 7 years. Our guests can always expect her to be here each week where she greets people with a ready smile, a cup of coffee, and a chat.

Sacha is a busy university student, but she comes every Thursday to the Office “Stop In.” She’s always ready to play a game of “spit” with Harold or learn from the guys how to play bridge.

Kirk and Hamish go on Street Outreach every Wednesday morning. Kirk comes early to get coffee going and when Hamish comes with special sandwiches that he made especially for the regulars they see that morning, they hit the roads ready to serve!

Our volunteers are loving, passionate servers with big compassionate hearts. It’s amazing to see a community that really cares about one another.

In spite of all the difficulties that individuals struggle with all around us, I am so encouraged by the people I know who are out there really trying to make a difference.

Gaby, OIM Staff


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