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Advent Stories: Faith

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Adora’s Vlogs (1)

This time of year, Christians around the world will be celebrating advent, a time of expectant waiting for Christmas. Come with us as we journey through advent together, listening to stories from those in our programs as they explore Hope, Faith, Love and Peace.


When I asked Bryon to share about his life he said: It’s been a nightmare; I have been through the meat grinder.

Bryon was born in Winnipeg; he comes from a family of 9. Both of his parents were alcoholics, he grew up seeing a lot of violence in his family and receiving beatings from his father. Growing up with alcoholic parents was not easy. He doesn’t blame his parents for this, because he doesn’t know what happened to them, what pushed them to alcohol.

He’s been struggling with alcoholism over 50 years. He has had times of sobriety; the longest time was 2 years. Even thought he hasn’t managed to stay sober he says he will never give up because God has never let him fall into the cracks. He still struggle but he still has hope.

Bryon moved to Ottawa 2 and half years ago, he first connected with OIM at the Drop-In at Dominion Chalmers. “OIM helps a lot of people, people who are hurting and struggling with different things. They (OIM) have helped me immensely. They don’t just feed you they really help you. What keeps me going is knowing that I’m not alone and that I have support, people that cares for me and prays for me and that I have no doubt that God is there for me.”

Listen to Bryon’s Story:


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