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Eric’s Journey, Episode 4: The Accident

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

“Eric’s Journey” is a 7 part series running throughout December. To listen to the audio backgrounder from Family Radio CHRI, click the play button belowFollow along all month to hear this amazing story! 

Eric Continues His Story. . . 

“On May 2, 2012, my family for a phone call that I’d been struck by a car and that I had sustained a catastrophic brain injury. Neurosurgeons predicted that I would not likely survive.


I was in a coma in the intensive care unit of the Civic Hospital for weeks. My left temporal lobe (the brain’s language centre) had been badly damaged and it was completely removed in an attempt to save my life. The pressure within my skull was about five times what is normally considered high, due to the swelling in my brain, which was caused by the trauma from the injury and surgery. The pressure was so high that it was forcing my brain down into my brain stem. Doctors expected severe damage from the swelling. I would spend the next six months living in the Civic Hospital and the Ottawa rehabilitation centre.

They said that if I did come out of this coma, I would not be able to speak properly, walk properly or act properly. When I did actually come out of the coma, this was true. I was paralyzed in my right side, in my neck and in my chest. I was tugging out the IV’s with my left hand, and then when they tied my left hand, I began tugging the IV’s with my right hand.

Miracles proved the doctors wrong.

Family and friends and strangers around the world were praying for me. They prayed that I would survive. They prayed that I would be free of my addiction. They prayed that I will be up and function well, that I would know my life is important, I will be happy and thankful to be alive.

God answers prayer. God is so loving and merciful. He answered every one of those prayers and more. It’s like I was born again! He helped me to recover above and beyond the expectation of all the medical experts. He freed me from the chains of addiction. He restored my relationships that had been broken by my addictions. He restored my health. He restored my hope!

God mercifully spared the right ride of my brain (the visual artistic side) from damage. Doctors in my rehabilitation team that that my amazing recovery, including my ability to communicate using language, is in large part due to the right side of my brain and the part it had played in ‘rewiring’ my brain since the accident.”

Coming Up on December 16th – Episode 5: Hope Restored! 

OIM does not receive on-going government funding to operate any of our programs. Instead, we rely on the goodwill donations of concerned citizens and business people in the National Capital Region. We need your help to continue our youth outreach program. Please make a donation today, click Donate Now. Thanks!


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