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GOLF Fund Raiser for Street Youth Outreach

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Our street youth art program is really making a difference in young people’s lives.  Street-engaged youth are finding housing, employment, entering programs for reducing their drug use and making better life choices in general.  Each week about fourteen young people come to the art group, but it’s so much more than creating art!

Some of the kids have described it as ‘family’, others as ‘church’, and all as something they really look forward to each week.  Some have described it as the highlight of their week, and look forward to Thursday nights.  It is amazing to watch these young people grow and develop in so many different areas.

One of the ways we are funding this non-government program is through our first golf tournament to be held on June 17.  Mountain Creek Golf Course in Arnprior will host the tournament with a shotgun start at 12 noon.  Eighteen holes with four ‘hole-in-one’ prizes, closest to the pin, longest drive, putting contest and a few other surprises will certainly engage and excite novice and pro golfers alike.  It’s a best ball tournament, so there is a chance that someone on your foursome will make a good shot.

A barbeque medley will follow, along with a silent auction, and each golfer will take home a special prize – some pretty nice prizes too, if I don’t say so myself.

It is promising to be a great day, and one that you will not want to miss.  We have between 25 and 30 teams currently registered (a few await confirmation – and payment) with room for 36 teams in total. 

The few spaces remaining will go quickly and we will probably sell out – so call us today and register your team.

Remember – it’s not only a fun daygolfing, but a great cause.  All the monies raised will go directly towards our Passion for Youth Art Program.  Call us at 613-237-6031!


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