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It happened at the drop in: a Miracle??

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Greg Payne is our volunteer chiropractor at the drop in.  He told me a story about an encounter he had with one of our guests, and I asked him to document it. Here is his story.  (Name changed, naturally).

Jenny (mid forties) came to the drop-in for her chiropractic adjustment. She complained about a bloated feeling that her Crohns was making a rather symptomatic episode. The day before someone had given her a free lunch at Tim Hortons, but she could not hold it down.  She further said she was suffering from intense bleeding and was afraid to leave her house.  She had to wear disposable diapers.  Her GI MD <gastro intestinal doctor> did an X-ray and told her she had a small bowl obstruction and the bowl had shifted out of place. They admitted her and “stuck tubes in her nose and everywhere” Jenny reported. 

 I prayed for her, and told her she would do well with her adjustment and that she would be healing.

 Two weeks later she returned for another chiropractic adjustment and told me that the day after her adjustment she felt only a little better. But, on the second day following the adjustment she was A LOT better! She returned to the GI MD. He retook the X-rays and said that her small bowl obstruction had gone, that her bowl was in the correct place and “that her Crohn’s or evidence of her Crohn’s had disappeared”!

To this her MD mentioned that it must have been ‘that guy there at the drop-in’, that chiropractor that did it!  I told her that it was Jesus who brings the power to heal, but he does work through his people.  It certainly was not me.

This is an answer to prayer and totally beyond the power of any man.  I am both an observer of what God is doing among the poor, and also an instrument in His hands.

Jenny clearly needed and received immediate aid – the kind her doctors were unable to tend to without invasive strategies.  The Lord’s timing is fascinating!

Jenny is still in need of prayer and support – and whereas her symptoms did disappear as confirmed by her physician, she still suffers physically. 

However you try to understand the dynamics of this story, it is an amazing testament to the healing power of God.


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