Sometimes, giving a few extra minutes can make a huge difference in the end. Often we tell ourselves, "I just don’t have time." But in reality, we all do. Sometimes it a few extra minutes on a project, sometimes it’s a few extra minutes in traffic. We all get so easily frustrated, especially with traffic.
Recently, I had quite an eye-opener. On a particularly busy day, my phone started to ring. Of course, when I saw the number, my immediate thought was, “I don’t have time right now.” You see, I knew the number as this client who would often call just to chat. I really like him, but my thoughts went to how much work was before me and how much I had to complete before I could call it a day. There was only an hour left in the day. When I answered, I was immediately greeted with what no one wants to hear. “Elizabeth, I can’t handle it anymore.” What? So, with work immediately out of my mind, I sat at my desk and spoke for about 10 minutes with the gentleman. Everything was going wrong. Gains that he had worked so hard for, housing he was just about to get, he had lost. He sounded so dejected. So heartbroken. His idea of how his day should end wasn’t what I wanted to hear. He only wanted to call and say goodbye and tell me thank you for always listening. Talk about an “oh man” moment!
At the end of our 10-minute chat, I managed to get his suggested plan to be changed. There was something worth living for. That shouldn’t have been an option for how his day should end. Afterwards, as I bowed my head and thanked God for the eye-opener, I couldn’t help but think of how both Jonah and Elijah had called out to God in their dark times. Both times, God spoke gently with them. They knew they were heard. This is all this man wanted. To be heard.
Did I have work to do? Yes. Did I have the time? I made the time. Was there a difference? Thank God - yes.
What will be your difference today? Whose life will you touch? Every person who prays for OIM, thank you. Every person that makes a sandwich to be brought to OIM, thank you. It is truly an honour to be your hands and feet delivering your amazing gifts.
~ Elizabeth Sutherland-Beaven, IVOS Associate
