In July 2014, the Passion 4 Youth Fine Arts Program had reached full capacity.
We had 20 youth in a tiny room – with no space for any new members.
But after a lot of prayer, we were able to form new partnerships in order to increase our capacity. We estimated that after a few years we would double in numbers.
We were wrong.
We underestimated the growth of the program. After only one year, we have doubled in numbers. We now have a total of 41 members in P4Y!
This is bitter sweet – while we are excited about the growth of the program, we are not able to accommodate all of the youth who are interested in joining.
Last night, 7 additional youth showed up to P4Y. One by one, we had to explain that the program is at capacity. We put their names on a waiting list and said we would contact them when we have more room.
It was so hard to see the disappointment in their faces as we turned them away.
One youth, after being turned away, returned and begged us to stay. She said she just wanted to do some art. We let her stay, and she spent the evening working on a painting.
We found out her name is Katy. She’s 16.
We will hope and pray again for new partnerships that will allow us to keep growing so we can include youth like Katy in this awesome program.
– by Moira, Youth Outreach Worker