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Volunteer Perspective

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

Off to Ottawa Innercity Ministries today.

Getting up for 5:30 am isn’t very enjoyable to me but then I get thinking about our street friends in Ottawa. They have already started their day and are anticipating that large pot of coffee being brewed for them. Something they can look forward to every week, along with trays of breads, croissants, jams and juice and other goodies. Thinking about this turns my attitude around 180 degrees and I’m thankful that I can be part of their day. People from all walks of life….it makes life interesting.

I was given several large bags of clothing to take to the drop-in with me today. Many were not anticipating the heavy rain and temperature drop later in the day. Quite a change from yesterday’s milder 20 degree plus weather. Soaked through many of our street friends headed straight up to the clothing room for a quick change to dry, warmer clothing. Ottawa Innercity Ministries always has a need for toiletries and clothing. It’s amazing how everyone seems to find a “treasure” on the clothing table. A special top or an ideal suit jacket, it’s great to see a happy face leaving the room.

A couple of weeks ago a very tall woman possibly in her 40’s, came to visit the clothing room for the first time. I could see that her day was not going well and she was struggling personally. As she was looking through the folded sweaters she started sharing a little about herself. The longer she talked the brighter her face became. She smiled and laughed as she shared pieces of her life story. (Every week several people like this woman will come to the drop-in carrying nothing else than the clothes they are wearing on their body). While searching through the clothing this women found a stylish coat that looked very nice on her. She was very pleased with her find and left the room feeling like a new person. I’m thinking it was a combination of both, her stylish coat and perhaps the audience of listeners that made a difference in her life that day.

Good stuff is happening and it’s great being part of it.

– Judy, OIM Drop-In Volunteer 


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